A World Connected

There is no denying that, as human beings, we overcome trying experiences from the moment we are brought into this world.  This drive to surpass challenges, and the challenges themselves, have expressed themselves in our genetic makeup for thousands of years.  Entire civilizations have borne the mark of our collective and individual need to survive, and in that survival, the necessity for creative exploration and communion with one another.

I live in Boston, Massachusetts, a city long valued as a mecca for cultural and historical significance, and we are struggling.  We are struggling, not just for affordable rents, an adequate public school system, or a fairer sharing of basic resources.  In the dawn of COVID-19, a lack of attention towards our deeper societal values have been laid bare as long-held spaces for communal experience have crumbled.  Places like The Milky Way and Bella Luna in JP and Out of the Blue Art Gallery in Allston are permanently closed now, even as condominium builders and corporate entities continue to receive large bail-outs.  

We are currently limited in our ability to share in physically proximate experiences due to the necessary precautions set to manage the pandemic.  It is a global challenge that must remind us long our future that we are not disconnected from one another, no matter how much we may feel so right now.  The places bearing the histories of our connection deserve this same respect.  We cannot and will not be able to hold onto all of them, but we must try.  We are the brick and mortar that make those places what they are. 
